Luís Henrique Boucault: Pineapple Fountain & Blue Hour.
Dackelpup: Thabo and Kani
Francesc F P: Estol_Ramat_Bandada
Francesc F P: Griva cerdana
Francesc F P: Milà reial
Xtian du Gard: Pont de Gau 2023 - 103
Dackelpup: Thabo
Dackelpup: Bessi
Dackelpup: Molly
Anto Camacho: Orange pier
Raphaël Grinevald • Photographe: "Le névé et les trois lacs". Queyras, France.
liang_li photos: Light from the heaven
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Grand corbeaux - Common raven - Corvus corax Western Grebes Mating Dance
Naturissima: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe (Alcedo atthis) - Common Kingfisher
Alain Daigle: Grand héron \ Great Blue Heron
zero_new_uk: EOS R62023_11_019999_181 1
zero_new_uk: EOS R62023_11_019999_68
JH_1982: Mount Everest & Lhotse seen from aboard an Everest Mountain Flight, Nepal
Charlie From Bristol: Perched on a Rock
Charlie From Bristol: Gathering Nuts
Alain Daigle: Oie des neiges \ Snow Goose
kkr_images: Great Gray Owl on a cloudy evening
kkr_images: Great Gray owlet in the rain
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Pine siskin- tarin des pins