Titine: First plunge
Titine: Onto the next pool
Titine: This one's my favourite...
Titine: Swimming pool...
Titine: or spa...
Titine: Hi Mum!
Titine: One...
Titine: Two...
Titine: And again...
Titine: My turn...
Titine: One...
Titine: Splash...
Titine: Kura
Titine: Feisty
Titine: Clawy
Titine: Slide
Titine: Sweet
Titine: Weyhey
Titine: Top of the big waterfall
Titine: Bottom of the big waterfall
Titine: Albert the pet eel
Titine: Hi Albert!
Titine: Crowded
Titine: Sarah
Titine: Sarah & Duncan
Titine: Me!
Titine: Me again!
Titine: Waterfall!
Titine: Bath
Titine: Shower