Titian Tiger: Charlie and Tiger
Titian Tiger: Charlie wearing...
Titian Tiger: Tiger ignoring the camera.
Titian Tiger: Where's the Triathlete?
Titian Tiger: Does anyone else think...
Titian Tiger: No.15 in the warm-up pool.
Titian Tiger: Tiger about to start the swim.
Titian Tiger: Out of the pool, into transition one.
Titian Tiger: Out of transition one and onto his bike.
Titian Tiger: Out of transition two and onto the run.
Titian Tiger: Charlie's second best "I don't want to be photographed face".
Titian Tiger: Is that a smile or a grimace?
Titian Tiger: What's Tiger's number again?
Titian Tiger: Sprinting to the finish.
Titian Tiger: Looking fresh at the end of the run.