microwalrus: 諏訪大社 御柱祭 下社 山出し Shimosya onbashira
microwalrus: trail of the onbashira
microwalrus: 諏訪大社御柱祭 下社 山出し
microwalrus: 下社山出し春宮二
microwalrus: commemorate
microwalrus: Onbashira 御柱 Harumiya Ni 春宮二
microwalrus: 元綱 the base rope?
microwalrus: waiting for start in the rain
microwalrus: once every 7 years
microwalrus: parade
microwalrus: waiting for the onbashira
microwalrus: ceremony on Kiotoshizaka
microwalrus: ceremony 2
microwalrus: the parade1 Akimiya-ich "blue flags" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: the parade Akimiya-ichi "on the pole" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: the parade Akimiya ichi "bawl out" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: the parade Akimiya-ichi "many levers" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: the parade Akimiya-ichi 7th "keep moving forward" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: the parade Akimiya-ichi "purple" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: the parade Akimiya-ichi "on the pole" 曳航:秋宮一
microwalrus: fixing up
microwalrus: line it up
microwalrus: waiting for slipping from the top
microwalrus: at the absolute edge
microwalrus: the mark on the back
microwalrus: swinging slowly in the wind
microwalrus: 消防団 local fire company
microwalrus: The Pole
microwalrus: 消防団の青年
microwalrus: keeping guard