tiswango: Baptismal Font
tiswango: Fr. Sandoval begins the service
tiswango: All the Godparents, Parents, & Priests
tiswango: Matt & Nathan - Andrea & Everett
tiswango: Father pours the water
tiswango: Everett gets his hair washed
tiswango: Nathan gets his hair washed
tiswango: Mother Lois got a little too much water on Nathan
tiswango: Father signs Everett with the sign of the cross
tiswango: Baptismal candles are given to the parents
tiswango: The priests introduce the new Christians to the congregation
tiswango: M. Lois and Everett
tiswango: F. Carlos & Nathan
tiswango: Dinner in the Parish Hall
tiswango: Flower arrangements for the tables
tiswango: Luis Oberogoso & Jim O'Conner
tiswango: Back of the church
tiswango: How many people can you put in one pew?
tiswango: Godparents & Babies
tiswango: Godparents & Babies
tiswango: Godparents, Parents, & Babies
tiswango: Godparents, Parents, & Babies
tiswango: Everett & Godparents
tiswango: Gamba family & Nathan
tiswango: Gamba family
tiswango: Gamba family
tiswango: Mike won't give the baby back to Mom
tiswango: Mica kisses Nathan
tiswango: Parents, Priests, & Babies
tiswango: Parents, Priests, & Babies