tiswango: There's more eggs...
tiswango: Here's an egg!
tiswango: They all play together very well
tiswango: Ashley's collection of Easter eggs
tiswango: Cyn feeding Everett & Hugo watches the soccer game: Boca vs Velez Sarfield
tiswango: The grill
tiswango: The twins with the eggs they collected
tiswango: Robby show me his cool Easter egg
tiswango: Adrian & Tom analyzing the blueprints for the Goggi's home improvement project
tiswango: Danny can eat!
tiswango: Typical Ashley at meal time!
tiswango: Yummy chicken grandpa grilled
tiswango: Danny & Ashley eat in the Highest!
tiswango: Robby loves tomatoes!
tiswango: Cristi eats her lunch
tiswango: Going grocery shopping
tiswango: Aldo has a chicken leg
tiswango: Erika feeds Everett... what a natural!
tiswango: Having fun as the bouncer deflates
tiswango: More trouble
tiswango: Trouble II
tiswango: Trouble!
tiswango: Danny having too much fun!
tiswango: Cristi does her own thing... "I'm not going in there with those wild kids! I'm smarter than that!"
tiswango: Mariana trying to get Ashley to leave the toy out of the bouncer
tiswango: IMG_0839
tiswango: Cristi: Almost a smile...
tiswango: Cristi: bribery pictures for when she brings her first boyfriend home!
tiswango: What a face !
tiswango: What a face!