tiswango: First nap together in the Aquarium playpen
tiswango: Everett & grandmo Hoelscher
tiswango: Everett all wrapped up & cozy after shower
tiswango: How many Valeriotis does it take to dry off a newborn?
tiswango: How many Valeriotis does it take to dry off a newborn?
tiswango: Everett immediately after his first bath at home. Thank you Dad!
tiswango: Ev's butt !
tiswango: Dad bathing Everett for the first time at home
tiswango: Dad bathing Everett for the first time at home
tiswango: Dad bathing Everett for the first time at home
tiswango: preparing Everett for his first bath
tiswango: Taking Everett's hospital bracelet off. None of the grandmas would do it