tiswango: Nathan sees the first "Stroke" on the Internet
tiswango: Nathan in the Take Along Swing
tiswango: How did they get that photo!
tiswango: Andrea is still reading
tiswango: Andrea reads the card
tiswango: CommerceBank Fruit Basket
tiswango: Everett gets one night in the Casserole Dish
tiswango: Andrea gets ready to pack Everett up
tiswango: Dr. Florin
tiswango: Everett loaded up in the car seat
tiswango: Andrea give Everett his first bottle at home
tiswango: Cyn inspecting the boys
tiswango: Everett and Nathan
tiswango: Everett's First Dive
tiswango: Everett's First Dive
tiswango: Nathan's first dive
tiswango: Grandma Cyn Knitting a Prayer Shawl