tiswango: Andrea in the Labor Room
tiswango: Andrea and Matt in Labor Room
tiswango: Andrea and Cyn (Matt's Mom) in Labor Room
tiswango: Monitors and Machinery in Labor Room
tiswango: Andrea and her Parents in the Labor Room
tiswango: Andrea and the Grandmas are ready!
tiswango: Andrea and her sister, Marianna are ready!
tiswango: Matt all gowned up
tiswango: Andrea in the Operating Room
tiswango: Foot Prints of the BOYS!
tiswango: Andrea, Matt & Everett Matthew
tiswango: Andrea, Matt & Nathan Aldo
tiswango: Nathan in the warming tray
tiswango: Nathan in the warming tray
tiswango: Nathan in warming tray
tiswango: Nathan up close and personal in the warming tray.
tiswango: Nathan has enough of the camera for one night!
tiswango: Nathan again - DAD!
tiswango: Everett in Intermediate Care Nursery
tiswango: Everett in incubator
tiswango: Nathan
tiswango: Everett
tiswango: Grandmas washing up before entering the NICU