tiswango: Alex, ready for the 2nd Annual Reverse Night Dive
tiswango: Alex getting ready for Reverse night dive
tiswango: Alli, barely awake, ready for the Reverse Night Dive
tiswango: Laura balancing before the Reverse Night Dive
tiswango: Ralph getting ready for the Reverse Night Dive
tiswango: Andrea getting ready for the Reverse Night Dive
tiswango: Squirrellfish
tiswango: Baby drum
tiswango: Flamefish
tiswango: Very horny rosy blenny
tiswango: Seminole gobies
tiswango: Horny Yellow tail damselfish
tiswango: Juvenile 3 spot damselfish
tiswango: Horny fish!
tiswango: Cool urchin
tiswango: Baby fish in the sand... can you tell what it is?
tiswango: P7090080_edited-1
tiswango: Seminole gobies
tiswango: P7090096_edited-1
tiswango: P7090100_edited-1
tiswango: P7090105_edited-1
tiswango: Tons of baby fish!
tiswango: Many fish!
tiswango: Glassy sweepers
tiswango: Scorpionfish with eye disease?
tiswango: Glassy sweepers
tiswango: Tons of glassy sweepers
tiswango: Baby bar jacks - 1st reef
tiswango: Red lip blenny on first reef
tiswango: Red lip blenny !