tiswango: Breakfast in Buenos Aries
tiswango: Cakes
tiswango: Cake
tiswango: Charlie and Mica getting ready
tiswango: Charlie, Ana and Mica
tiswango: Matt and Andrea with Mica
tiswango: Godparents
tiswango: Mica's Pew
tiswango: The Church
tiswango: The Priest
tiswango: The Crowd
tiswango: Pouring of water
tiswango: Blessing with Oil
tiswango: Charlies dad "Juan Carlos"
tiswango: Lighting the candle
tiswango: Mica's wet head
tiswango: Parents and God Parents
tiswango: Front of the Church
tiswango: Ceiling of the Church
tiswango: Batismal Certificate
tiswango: Gifts
tiswango: Charlie's Dad Juan Carlos, wife, and half brother
tiswango: Andrea, Matt and Mica after Baptism