humbletree: the early bird
humbletree: before the freeze comes
humbletree: life on the rocks
humbletree: the conversation
humbletree: a new partnership
humbletree: casting a line
humbletree: night crossing
humbletree: gray morning in Ito
humbletree: ready for winter
humbletree: walking the dog
humbletree: setting out
humbletree: finding the light
humbletree: heading home
humbletree: morning light
humbletree: signs of autumn
humbletree: my latest infatuation
humbletree: the morning crush at Tamachi
humbletree: different directions
humbletree: late September
humbletree: Mid October
humbletree: nice folks drink local beer
humbletree: remembering the 60's
humbletree: Legacy lens test
humbletree: Sunny Sunday Daffodils
humbletree: Minolta legacy lens test
humbletree: Minolta legacy lens test
humbletree: Marexar mystery lens
humbletree: best of both worlds
humbletree: G1/Nikkor
humbletree: G1/Minolta 35-70