Tishbriz: The Small World of Sammy Lee - 1963 - dir - Ken Hughes - Anthony Newley (Sammy 'Lee' Leeman) & Julia Foster (Patsy)
Tishbriz: The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (1920) dir Robert Wiene
Tishbriz: The Golem - How He Came Into The World - (1920) dir.Paul Wegener
Tishbriz: The Golem - How He Came Into The World (1920) - dir.Paul Wegener
Tishbriz: The Golem - How He Came Into The World (1920) - dir.Paul Wegener
Tishbriz: John Charlesworth (Jan) - Five on a Treasure Island (1957)
Tishbriz: Five on a Treasure Island - Iris Russell, Daga & Peter Burton as Margaret and Quentin Kirrin, with Timmy the Dog
Tishbriz: Still From Pull my Daisy 1959 Dir by Robert Frank/Alfred Leslie
Tishbriz: Blurred still from Pull my Daisy 1959 Dir by Robert Frank/Alfred Leslie
Tishbriz: Anneke Wills - Lee McFadden and BFI staff member looking for guidance - BFI Southbank - Thursday 11th August 2011
Tishbriz: Anneke Wills - surprised at seeing the Gurney Slade single - BFI Southbank - Thursday 11th August 2011
Tishbriz: El Diputado (1978) Dir Eloy de la Iglesia - Punks at the Club
Tishbriz: El Diputado (1978) - Dir Eloy de la Iglesia - scene at the club - random punk on the left - Jose Luis Alonso (Juanito) on the right
Tishbriz: El Diputado (1978) - Dir Eloy de la Iglesia - (L-R) José Sacristán (Roberto Orbea) - María Luisa San José (Carmen Orbea)
Tishbriz: Flame in the Street (1961) dir. Roy Ward Baker
Tishbriz: The Man Who Loved Yngve (2008) - Dir.by Stian Kristiansen - The Mathias Rust Band
Tishbriz: The Man Who Loved Yngve 2008 - Directed by Stian Kristiansen. Unni Lima - Yngve's Mum (played by Karoline Kruger)
Tishbriz: Love is Colder Than Death (1969) - dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder - Franz Biberkoff (Fassbinder)
Tishbriz: Frogs (1972) - dir.George McCowan
Tishbriz: Frogs (1972) - dir.George McCowan