foto fledgling: Once upon a time...
foto fledgling: 1953 Eljer Bathroom
foto fledgling: 1953 Eljer Bathroom
foto fledgling: Crown Jewel Kitchen
foto fledgling: Elkay Lustertone
foto fledgling: 1949 Chambers Stove
foto fledgling: the pink banquette
foto fledgling: Formal Dining Room
foto fledgling: Formal Dining Room b&w
foto fledgling: Formal Dining Room front
foto fledgling: Formal Dining Room front b&w
foto fledgling: panic button
foto fledgling: not bartending
foto fledgling: the bar vista wall
foto fledgling: from another angle
foto fledgling: stereophonic
foto fledgling: upclose stereophonic
foto fledgling: new and old
foto fledgling: Ben's mancave
foto fledgling: where Ben hangs out
foto fledgling: mancave ceiling
foto fledgling: Tracy kitchenette
foto fledgling: Tracy kitchenette full view
foto fledgling: formal sitting room light
foto fledgling: formal dining room light
foto fledgling: the parlor light
foto fledgling: third floor light
foto fledgling: Stairway Landing II