foto fledgling: me and my girl
foto fledgling: Once there was a tower of boxes....
foto fledgling: my life enclosed in approx. 28 ft.
foto fledgling: that's good, cause I live here now.
foto fledgling: that's where my girl is (was)
foto fledgling: from another shore
foto fledgling: magically cozy
foto fledgling: cutting in
foto fledgling: in the corner
foto fledgling: Rock the Block Blocks
foto fledgling: the beginning of our day ready for the road
foto fledgling: can be seen from nearly anywhere in Pburgh
foto fledgling: Escher drawing come to life
foto fledgling: more of the donut
foto fledgling: Why Not?
foto fledgling: pBURGH welcomes the world
foto fledgling: a bird knows
foto fledgling: testing... 1, 2... testing...
foto fledgling: the colors are coming
foto fledgling: my cubicle inside a Pepto Bismal bottle
foto fledgling: inspiration
foto fledgling: the usual spot
foto fledgling: after: jack o lanterns
foto fledgling: for Laura S
foto fledgling: In the beginning, it is always dark.
foto fledgling: i spy... with my big glowing eye...
foto fledgling: Arbor Aid balloons