}~T~{: wordlessly
}~T~{: dream and awake
}~T~{: there is still time
}~T~{: for sunbeam stories and yellow-dreamt glories
}~T~{: midsummer dreaming
}~T~{: I miss the softness in your eyes, as they bursts into laughter
}~T~{: midsummer aeternum
}~T~{: I only ever longed for longing
}~T~{: for the summer in you laughter, and the winter in your heart
}~T~{: the tales of strangers
}~T~{: where do we go from here
}~T~{: when summer dreams of childhood
}~T~{: feathery light fragments of tomorrow
}~T~{: when summer smiles
}~T~{: In this land there is nothing but silence
}~T~{: To believe in fairytales firstly I need to believe in me
}~T~{: And the wind sings to the autumn leaves about all those things that never where
}~T~{: sylvan magic
}~T~{: candy floss and cotton dreams
}~T~{: stardust
}~T~{: Hello world! #Flickr12Days