Tirch: Leaving on the KazBus for the East Bay BRAF Art Tour
Tirch: John and Leslie of 2600 Magnolia - Boiler Bar
Tirch: Sarriugarte's shop
Tirch: The Serpent Head
Tirch: The Serpent Head (1 of 2)
Tirch: Fins to keep people off the serpent's back
Tirch: John Sarriugarte's workshop
Tirch: John Sarriugarte demonstrating the LEDs in teh Serpents
Tirch: Hey, that's the bus that took the Drag Queen Art Tour
Tirch: The Nautilus
Tirch: Sean
Tirch: 2011_7_18_arttour 016
Tirch: The Nautilus
Tirch: The Nautilus
Tirch: The Nautilus
Tirch: The Nautilus
Tirch: The Nautilus Eye opening
Tirch: At Raygun's Workshop
Tirch: Tomas with his megaphone
Tirch: American Steel, Dan and Karen's pieces
Tirch: The KazBus
Tirch: Eric!
Tirch: Eric!
Tirch: Eric!
Tirch: View of the new Bay Bridge span from TI
Tirch: View of the new Bay Bridge span from TI
Tirch: Pirate Ship
Tirch: The pirate ship looking good
Tirch: Pirate Ship below deck
Tirch: Pirate Ship