Tirch: Sacre di Argentina excavation
Tirch: Four temples at Sacre di Argentina excavation
Tirch: Gatti!
Tirch: Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II aka Altar of the Fatherland
Tirch: PIazza Madonna di Lorento and Trajan's Column
Tirch: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Tirch: Emanuele II Monument
Tirch: Emanuele II Monument
Tirch: Cites of Italy
Tirch: Emanuele II Monument
Tirch: the view
Tirch: in the museum of Italian Unification
Tirch: Museum
Tirch: Guns from the wars
Tirch: Guns from the wars
Tirch: Swords
Tirch: View from the back looking out onto the Forum
Tirch: Romulus and Remus!
Tirch: Arch of Septimius Severus
Tirch: Tempio di Saturno (Temple of Saturn) 497 B.C
Tirch: Forum
Tirch: Forum
Tirch: the girls
Tirch: marble
Tirch: pig
Tirch: goat
Tirch: random woman
Tirch: dude in Curia Julia
Tirch: Godesses
Tirch: Friezes of the Rape of the Sabines