Tirch: Accordian guy on the way to the Pantheon
Tirch: Tour groups
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: dome the Pantheon
Tirch: inside the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon Tomb of Vittorio Emanuele II
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon - the Altar
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon
Tirch: the Pantheon - Tomb of Raphael
Tirch: the Pantheon - Tomb of Raphael
Tirch: area pedonale at the Pantheon
Tirch: Carol
Tirch: alley
Tirch: Another corner
Tirch: Bird at Trevi
Tirch: us at Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Trevi
Tirch: Another random church with Sacred Hearts
Tirch: Buck hitting the wine