Tirch: Satchmo
Tirch: Ram skull
Tirch: Snakeskin
Tirch: Ricky's Rocks
Tirch: California Hen
Tirch: Pigalita
Tirch: Beaver
Tirch: Little Duck
Tirch: Small Caskets
Tirch: Burning Man Tickets and my grandparents
Tirch: Jawbone, bone and antler
Tirch: The Jordans- my grandparents on my Mom's side
Tirch: Vertebra
Tirch: Some Goat
Tirch: Gator and asssorted jawbones.
Tirch: Goat
Tirch: Human ribs and finger
Tirch: Coyotes and ...
Tirch: Coyotes and some other animal skull
Tirch: Feather
Tirch: Antlers
Tirch: Ganges
Tirch: Coyote
Tirch: Sum Bunny
Tirch: The Bride
Tirch: a fallen off umbillical cord
Tirch: Fish
Tirch: Antelope
Tirch: Present from Ms. Bee
Tirch: Some small antelope