Tirch: Darth Vader at WonderCon
Tirch: Transformer
Tirch: Interview at the DC booth
Tirch: Lucy!
Tirch: Yip Yip Yip
Tirch: Studly by the dumpster
Tirch: Fan's getting pics taken
Tirch: Moscone
Tirch: Family
Tirch: Clowns Vs Ninjas
Tirch: Clowns Vs Ninjas
Tirch: Furry guy at the top of the escalator
Tirch: Storm Trooper
Tirch: Darth - note the clenched fist
Tirch: Darth and boy
Tirch: Spidey and friend with a fan
Tirch: Spidey and crew
Tirch: Clowns vs Ninjas
Tirch: spidey & black cat
Tirch: darth
Tirch: yip
Tirch: outside WinderCon
Tirch: Moscone
Tirch: Radical Press booth
Tirch: Last Gasp - note the High Fructose book!
Tirch: Transformer