Tirch: Burning Man Holiday Party
Tirch: Varnish Art opening
Tirch: Some quick pics
Tirch: IMG_2590
Tirch: Robert, DK and Michael Page
Tirch: Show me the Benjamin
Tirch: IMG_2595
Tirch: Michael Page's Solo piece
Tirch: Beth and d'Andre
Tirch: Anarchist, Pixie and Michael B
Tirch: Terry and friends
Tirch: Temperance!
Tirch: Fabulous!
Tirch: Marsha, Beth and Mike B
Tirch: CG and Ra
Tirch: Loopy and friend
Tirch: CG and Ra$pa
Tirch: The beard of love
Tirch: Wonderful flaming drink
Tirch: Santa in the hizz house
Tirch: Beautiful!
Tirch: Monkeyboy and Affinity
Tirch: Ludwig and Dickey
Tirch: Kelly!
Tirch: Some dudes on the stairs
Tirch: Careful on those stairs
Tirch: Randal on Santa's throne
Tirch: CG's Peacock tree
Tirch: Relaxing
Tirch: One of your bartenders