Tirch: Sailor's impressive tongue
Tirch: Fort Funston, looking north east
Tirch: Sutro and Twin Peaks
Tirch: Funston, down from the Davis Battery
Tirch: Great Dane and Sailor sniffin
Tirch: Looking North in January
Tirch: Bird at the Battery
Tirch: Battery Davis
Tirch: Ocean view in January
Tirch: People and Dogs have fallen...
Tirch: View of Lake Merced in January
Tirch: Dogs sniffin
Tirch: Watering Hole
Tirch: Water Bowls
Tirch: So many dogs
Tirch: Pups
Tirch: Dog on a mission
Tirch: April in the dunes
Tirch: Sailor leads the way
Tirch: Hemlock and Miner's Lettuce
Tirch: Sailor running December
Tirch: Tree in the eastern stand
Tirch: Sailor atop his dune
Tirch: View of Lake Merced
Tirch: Strawberry
Tirch: Crown Daisy
Tirch: Spring growth before the blooms
Tirch: Crown Daisies and Wild Strawberries
Tirch: Dudleya farinosa (Live forever)
Tirch: another view