tippy13: What happened to Roger's hand?!?!
tippy13: Me, Nick and Kaysi
tippy13: Kaysi, Roger and me
tippy13: Amy, Rich and baby Sonora
tippy13: Me, Jon, Kate, Kaysi, Rich, Amy
tippy13: Me and Alex
tippy13: Jon and Kate on the train in NY
tippy13: Rich and Amy on the train
tippy13: me and Kaysi on the train
tippy13: Scruffy Duffy's pre-show fun. Jamie and friend
tippy13: J-ROD!
tippy13: Rich & Amy
tippy13: at Scruffy Duffy's
tippy13: at Scruffy Duffy's
tippy13: at Scruffy Duffy's
tippy13: at Scruffy Duffy's
tippy13: BB Kings in NY
tippy13: Roger @ BB Kings
tippy13: Empire State Building