tippy13: Steve at Last Exit
tippy13: Last Exit Sign
tippy13: me and Brian Blush
tippy13: the road to Rocky Point
tippy13: mmm beer
tippy13: mmm beer 2
tippy13: nice pool
tippy13: view from the room
tippy13: Manny's 2
tippy13: the big beach
tippy13: Tom and Ken
tippy13: Manny's 4
tippy13: D Money
tippy13: Troy and his bottle
tippy13: Kathi and Chris
tippy13: yummy food
tippy13: buying souvenirs
tippy13: penasco del sol
tippy13: Brian Cindy and Ron - fellow Clevelanders
tippy13: dinner pre concert
tippy13: dinner pre concert
tippy13: Roger
tippy13: Roger again
tippy13: more Roger
tippy13: roger 6
tippy13: roger 5
tippy13: PH after the show
tippy13: PH and his cock
tippy13: low tide at JJ's