the tinz: View form the carpark
the tinz: Volcano Izalco
the tinz: View of Cerro Verde National Park
the tinz: Volcano Izalco
the tinz: Cerro Verde National Park
the tinz: Climbing Izalco
the tinz: Izalco summit
the tinz: Cerro Verde National Park
the tinz: Izalco summit
the tinz: Hitchhiker
the tinz: Cerro Verde National Park
the tinz: View of Lake Coatepeque
the tinz: Cerro Verde National Park
the tinz: Surefooting
the tinz: On the slopes of Izalco
the tinz: Dave descending Izalco
the tinz: Dave and Ross
the tinz: Taking in the view, Izalco summit
the tinz: Taking in the view, Izalco summit
the tinz: Flowers in the carpark
the tinz: Flowers, Izalco
the tinz: Circling birds of prey