sleepy chan: Hangin out wif J & C
sleepy chan: Ali G brusha brusha brush
sleepy chan: Chilling
sleepy chan: Petit Ecolier
sleepy chan: Petit Ecolier
sleepy chan: Petit Ecolier
sleepy chan: Petit Ecolier
sleepy chan: Petit Ecolier
sleepy chan: Petit Ecolier
sleepy chan: Foods in Malakoff
sleepy chan: Best garden in Paris
sleepy chan: Garden as previously photographed by Janelle
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: André Citroën public park
sleepy chan: Abbesses
sleepy chan: Creme Brulee
sleepy chan: Creme Brulee in Montmartre
sleepy chan: Creme Brulee in Montmartre
sleepy chan: Ginormous salad
sleepy chan: Fancy pants children's clothes
sleepy chan: Starved of attention
sleepy chan: Awww sorry but bye bye doggy
sleepy chan: Two of my favourite people
sleepy chan: Yo, I'm in Paris, I'm in MF Paris!