Tiny Bites: Katerina and Marianne
Tiny Bites: Slathering on the tsatsiki
Tiny Bites: Greek lemon chicken and oven-roasted potatoes
Tiny Bites: Personal servings of tsatsiki
Tiny Bites: Tapas-style spare ribs with rosemary and garlic mashed potatoes
Tiny Bites: Crab and corn chowder
Tiny Bites: Trudy, Tina, and Alexis
Tiny Bites: Alex and Matt
Tiny Bites: Trudy and Tina
Tiny Bites: Matt and Alex
Tiny Bites: On the grill
Tiny Bites: Alex and Matt's table setup
Tiny Bites: Rusty
Tiny Bites: Rusty
Tiny Bites: CocoaNymph: storefront
Tiny Bites: Social Bites ballots
Tiny Bites: Aisles of truffle
Tiny Bites: Live blogger
Tiny Bites: One sip
Tiny Bites: Annika shows off the Hobby Chef Award
Tiny Bites: Inside CocoaNymph
Tiny Bites: Truffle demo pieces
Tiny Bites: Brian, our talented piano player
Tiny Bites: Casting their ballots
Tiny Bites: Inside CocoaNymph
Tiny Bites: Inside CocoaNymph
Tiny Bites: Rachel, founder of CocoaNymph
Tiny Bites: Chocolate medallions
Tiny Bites: Maarten's chocolate tasting sheet
Tiny Bites: Illa truffles