Tiny Bites:
The lineup
Tiny Bites:
What song is this wine?
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
My brother joins the fray
Tiny Bites:
Cheese and charcuterie
Tiny Bites:
Gorgonzola and pecan shortbread
Tiny Bites:
A sampling of Moccia
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
Apple strudel from Cobbs Breads
Tiny Bites:
Tiny Bites:
Tasting notes
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
The reveals
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
California blind wine tasting
Tiny Bites:
Christina's turn to have a kick-ass t-shirt
Tiny Bites:
Colin recorks the zin with feeling