tiny_epics: wristband
tiny_epics: christy's baby blanket
tiny_epics: christy's baby blanket - gift wrapped
tiny_epics: christy's baby blanket - side view
tiny_epics: christy's baby blanket - stitch detail
tiny_epics: totally gonna be socks someday
tiny_epics: my first sock pattern
tiny_epics: candle flames shawl, pre-blocking
tiny_epics: closeup of the lace pattern.
tiny_epics: knitty's nautie
tiny_epics: on the road
tiny_epics: upside down, or right side up?
tiny_epics: it will not eat you, never fear
tiny_epics: a chambered nautilus!
tiny_epics: knitty's couvercle
tiny_epics: yrn prn
tiny_epics: argyle ipod cozy
tiny_epics: twining trees
tiny_epics: twining trees 2
tiny_epics: dishcloth 2
tiny_epics: twisted rib cable scarf
tiny_epics: twisted rib cable scarf
tiny_epics: twisted rib cable scarf
tiny_epics: lion brand kitchen cotton
tiny_epics: twisted drop stitch scarf
tiny_epics: twisted drop stitch scarf
tiny_epics: ugliest afghan ever
tiny_epics: detail of twisted rib cable
tiny_epics: dishcloth 3
tiny_epics: side slip cloche