Chris-trode: What the camera caught before the attack.
Chris-trode: Shoes Are FUNNY
Chris-trode: Morning Papers
Chris-trode: Happy Halloween
Chris-trode: Sonata in Three Parts
Chris-trode: What sign is this?
Chris-trode: In the window
Chris-trode: Sniffy face for Mum-Mums
Chris-trode: Gladiola circa 1977
Chris-trode: From the Gladi Cam
Chris-trode: With "Auntie"
Chris-trode: Gladi eyes
Chris-trode: Comb your teeth and brush your hair
Chris-trode: Not lacking in personality
Chris-trode: All Signs Point to a Nap...
Chris-trode: Launch Attempt: Failure
Chris-trode: Gladiola Among The Violet