tinker55: peaceful river
tinker55: cool breakfast
tinker55: morning glow
tinker55: morning colors
tinker55: fall colors
tinker55: Indiana fall
tinker55: Roaring Forks, Gatlinburg, TN
tinker55: wild flower
tinker55: morning color
tinker55: roses
tinker55: waterfalls
tinker55: first bloom
tinker55: Is it a ...?
tinker55: pincushion...
tinker55: spring has arrived!
tinker55: It opened...
tinker55: welcoming the sun
tinker55: revealing the inner beauty
tinker55: open wide
tinker55: mellow yellow
tinker55: Indiana fall
tinker55: Can you see me now?
tinker55: mother nature's sense of humor
tinker55: Indian Pipe
tinker55: late bloomer
tinker55: all I know...( Asiatic Dayflower...thanks, flickr)
tinker55: at least I can enjoy these
tinker55: a rose by any other name...
tinker55: natural fire
tinker55: splash...