tink20seven: the sketchy idea
tink20seven: we start with two ordinary ski poles
tink20seven: mark out two 8" pieces of extra thick PVC pipe
tink20seven: a little brotherly teamwork
tink20seven: and voila! two mallet heads
tink20seven: no need to remove the plastic guards
tink20seven: just trim off the ends
tink20seven: make sure to tap your holes before drilling with the larger bit
tink20seven: it's a pretty snug fit
tink20seven: Slide the bolt through
tink20seven: some heavy concentration
tink20seven: Apply a little glue to the threads, and tighten it up!
tink20seven: Grinding down the excess
tink20seven: prepping to wrap the handle
tink20seven: wrapping the grip with an inner tube
tink20seven: the grip - before
tink20seven: the grip - after
tink20seven: prepping the epoxy