Mariano Fernández: elephant-114543_960_720
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2019-07-23 - Green Heron in Tree -
Johann 50: IMG_3891
João Batista**: flordemaio.jpg
micha_dauber: Kroatien 2015 - Bol
gtercero: Esfinge formada con flores....P1130758P
@rgosu: Coleoptera linnaeus
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Baltimore Oriole | (Icterus galbula)
Thelma Gátuzzô: Frilled Coquette
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Blue-Gray Tanager | Azulejo (Thraupis episcopus)
jaime.silva: 2016-04-11 (day 42/365 - 2nd set)
David Gn Photography: Hot Air Balloons at Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival
sonia furtado: Quarta-sunset
Changer * Moment is eternity: Thyreus decorus . 波 琉 璃 紋 花 蜂
Hottentotfig: Flames in the heart of a nasturtium.
Thelma Gátuzzô: Dacnis Cayana (Male)
nikkorglass: Season Premiere 2016
sabine1955: Abendversammlung
coulportste: light and shadows
gtercero: Rosa roja....p1040480_4047231306_oEP
sonia furtado: Quinta-flower
lamoustique: Park Bench
ferlomu: Mérida(Badajoz) 20151020-22 Teatro Romano6
Spiro Anassis: Red Carpet!
ferlomu: Mérida(Badajoz) 20151020-22 flor1.CR2