tini21: watching the sky, you're watching a painting coming to life
tini21: sun splits the trees into beautiful broken light
tini21: all is full of love
tini21: on the wide horizon
tini21: something important is about to happen
tini21: drifting out of time
tini21: i'm going hunting for mysteries, cover me
tini21: sleepy-head
tini21: world on fire
tini21: last of days
tini21: dead things
tini21: in the waiting line
tini21: you've never been to niagara falls
tini21: life in technicolor
tini21: someday you will be loved
tini21: birds go flying at the speed of sound to show you how it all began
tini21: at the edge of the ocean
tini21: sometimes, i need only to stand wherever i am to be blessed {mary oliver}
tini21: i asked for all things so that i might enjoy life; i was given life so that i might enjoy all things
tini21: living in the present, negligibly; regretting the past, sweepingly; and speculating upon the future, incredulously {john tottenham}
tini21: how beautiful is meeting someone by coincidence
tini21: fall in love with as many things as possible
tini21: all endings are also beginnings
tini21: hello, babies. welcome to earth.
tini21: still falls the rain {edith sitwell}
tini21: hey. do you hear, do you hear that sound? it's the sound of the lost gone found. it's the sound of a mute gone loud. it's the sound of a new start {a fine frenzy}
tini21: i can sense it. something important is about to happen. it's coming up {björk}
tini21: the beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together {carl sagan}
tini21: no man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man {heraclitus}
tini21: another day, just believe. another day, just breathe {télépopmusik}