hmariethegreat: fall in the south
hmariethegreat: ocean blvd.
hmariethegreat: it was mid-evil war princess hair day.
hmariethegreat: the knitting mill
hmariethegreat: cotton, everywhere.
hmariethegreat: the warlock, max.
hmariethegreat: we were instant friends
hmariethegreat: myrtle beach s.c.
hmariethegreat: my mother,
hmariethegreat: birthdays, hair curlers
hmariethegreat: Oh, Hilton Head!
hmariethegreat: mmm baja!
hmariethegreat: bonanza beach, baja
hmariethegreat: crazy Alaskan!
hmariethegreat: i want to live on the coast!!!
hmariethegreat: Redding, California