MST1964: New York
MST1964: New York
MST1964: New York
MST1964: New York
MST1964: New York
MST1964: Vista dall'Empire State Building
MST1964: Vista dall'Empire State Building
MST1964: Strawberry Fields Forever
MST1964: Il Dakota
MST1964: New York
MST1964: Lower Manatthan
MST1964: New York
MST1964: La Cattedrale di San Patrizio a New York
MST1964: Brooklyn-the bridge
MST1964: Brooklyn-the bridge
MST1964: il ponte di Brooklyn
MST1964: Cartellli e luci
MST1964: Times Square New York City
MST1964: Times Squares
MST1964: Top of the Rock
MST1964: Empire State Building
MST1964: Freedom Tower
MST1964: Rockfeller Center