Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: Chained to my barge - etching 21x26cm 1969
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: Cheese market in Alkmaar- oilp on c. 42x52cm 1994
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: An article in a Swiss paper, july 1994
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: Hubertine exhibits in this Gallery near Geneva in 2006.
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: Exhibition in Aubonne 2004-2006
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: Exhibit near Geneva at Aubonne in 2004 and 2006
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: Mérite Boyard - un prix obtenu par Hubertine Heijermans en 2013/14
Landscape/ People in oil paint watercolor etching: My sport's car, a Maserati in Monnaz/Morges in Switzerland