Tina K: Rest in peace
Tina K: Wall of flowers
Tina K: Memorial
Tina K: Memorial tribute
Tina K: Memorial lights
Tina K: Cards of compassion and support
Tina K: Wall of flowers
Tina K: Wenche Foss
Tina K: Prime ministers headquarters
Tina K: Aerea below the bombsite
Tina K: Police is garding the bombsite
Tina K: Police is garding the bombesite
Tina K: People are coming to have a look at the bombesite
Tina K: Bombsite
Tina K: Grubbegata: The car with the bomb was driven in from the other side if this street
Tina K: Workers were on the site. They were, among other things, setting wooden plates in the broken windows.
Tina K: Fountain of flowers
Tina K: Fountain of flowers
Tina K: Teddy
Tina K: Sympathy from Spain
Tina K: Fountain of flowers
Tina K: Back in business
Tina K: Oslo 22.07.2011: We will never forget