Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Swindon Sunset
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Eric in the Glue Pot
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: A ladder, brooms and a pair of sunnies!
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Railway Cottages
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: The Steam Museum
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: The Steam Museum
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Aha! The Steam Museum
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: The Steam Museum
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: The Steam Museum
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: The Steam Museum
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Avebury - solarised!
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Upstairs, topdeck - Vale of the White Horse
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: Silbury Hill
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: West Kennet Long Barrow
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: West Kennet Long Barrow - view from the inside
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: West Kennet Long Barrow
Grumpy Old Tina 1960: West Kennet Long Barrow