Tina Dean: 1/52 - C is for CORK! Cheers to 2021!
Tina Dean: 2/52 Outside my window (car window!)
Tina Dean: 3/52 - A Favorite Book (oh the thinks you can think!)
Tina Dean: 4/52 - Dusty (hoping to dust them off for a trip in 2022!)
Tina Dean: 5/52 - ice cream (sandwich)
Tina Dean: 6/52 Aiming High
Tina Dean: 10/52 - In the mirror (water reflections)
Tina Dean: 18/52 Chocolate Dessert
Tina Dean: 39/52 - Abandoned
Tina Dean: 23/52 - very cold or frozen
Tina Dean: 43/52 - The Lone Tree
Tina Dean: 14/52 The Snapper Snapped