timylee: Love is... Spending Time with Peope I Care About. Spending Time with You. :)
timylee: Love is... Sex, Sex, & More Sex! :)
timylee: Love is... A Phone call Even When You're Too Busy to Talk.
timylee: Love is... Family & Friends
timylee: Love is... A Place.
timylee: Love is... In My Pants.
timylee: Love is... Diverse & Unconditional
timylee: Love is... Being Completely Comfortable with Someone.
timylee: Love is... When You Can't Stop Smiling
timylee: Love is... Tim's Expression In Front of a Bowl of Spicy Ramen Noodles
timylee: Love is... Very Patient.
timylee: Love ^Actually is... All Around
timylee: Love is... A Burning Red.
timylee: Love is... Kissing.
timylee: Love is... Something You Find At Walmart (If You Look Hard Enough)
timylee: Love is... Bearing Another's Pain as If It Was Your Own.
timylee: ^What Is Love is... Baby Don't Hurt Me... Don't Hurt Me... No More.
timylee: Love is... No Matter What Happens, I stay, and You Don't Go Away.
timylee: Love is... Rainbows, Doodles, and Smiling Faces.
timylee: Love is... A State of Being
timylee: Love is... All You Need.
timylee: Love is... All of The Above
timylee: Love is... Complicated?
timylee: Love is... Living Honestly, Being in the Moment, Not Afraid to Love.
timylee: Love is... Attachment, Trust, Communications, Pushing Each Other to Be Their Best Self.
timylee: Love is... Worth The Wait
timylee: Love is... Heart of the City.