timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: TIM_4127_DxO_stitch
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: TIM_4150_DxO
timbo on the hill: Sun through trees
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: St. David's Cathedral
timbo on the hill: First of the lighthouse
timbo on the hill: The other way
timbo on the hill: Still about an hour.
timbo on the hill: Better go looking for a better spot.
timbo on the hill: TIM_4225_DxO
timbo on the hill: Heading for a better spot.
timbo on the hill: Another lens flare
timbo on the hill: Sea ripples
timbo on the hill: Meet me in the middle
timbo on the hill: Beautiful sunset
timbo on the hill: Sunset on the cliffs
timbo on the hill: Can you see what I'm going for?
timbo on the hill: Two island silhouette
timbo on the hill: Perfect spot
timbo on the hill: Descending
timbo on the hill: Don't look at it.