>Lucia<: Let's do the twist again....
>Lucia<: Grooming, on a sunny afternoon
>Lucia<: Like my new hairdoo? Or should I say 'featherdoo'
>Lucia<: Ready for take off
>Lucia<: Grooving, on a Sunday afternoon
>Lucia<: Inkie
>Lucia<: She's got Bette Davies eyes?
>Lucia<: Lady
>Lucia<: I saw you, so pretty
>Lucia<: He's only small. But man, he's got balls
>Lucia<: Drinking our breakfast all over again
>Lucia<: Soon learning to fly
>Lucia<: You've gotta be crazy baby, to want a guy like me
>Lucia<: And you and I
>Lucia<: So ugly, so beautiful
>Lucia<: One, two.....sleep tight
>Lucia<: Spring is in the air
>Lucia<: DON'T MESS WITH ME !!!
>Lucia<: Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose
>Lucia<: Pablo
>Lucia<: Take my thoughts wherever you may fly
>Lucia<: Don't be shy, little one
>Lucia<: The eyes of Jenny
>Lucia<: I'll bee
>Lucia<: One day I'll fly away
>Lucia<: Seagull
>Lucia<: Vulture
>Lucia<: Velvet²