>Lucia<: On the rocks
>Lucia<: Lunch, lake and a shower
>Lucia<: Spring is in the air. Somewhere. But not here.
>Lucia<: Higher
>Lucia<: Where have all the flowers gone? Inside?
>Lucia<: Mirror mirror on the wall
>Lucia<: Ain't no muddy waters
>Lucia<: Love at first sight
>Lucia<: Baby, it's cold outside
>Lucia<: Look at yourself!
>Lucia<: Herenleed
>Lucia<: Here's looking at you, kid
>Lucia<: I don't need no light in the darkness
>Lucia<: Let's go out and dance
>Lucia<: I gave my love a candle
>Lucia<: Happy birthday, Mr. President
>Lucia<: If you start me up I'll never stop
>Lucia<: Wherever I dry my bear, that's my home
>Lucia<: Green with envy? Feeling blue?
>Lucia<: Condition grounded
>Lucia<: Blues
>Lucia<: Lily was here
>Lucia<: There was no more fear of flying
>Lucia<: Tempting
>Lucia<: The glass is never half empty
>Lucia<: Waiting for the moment to come
>Lucia<: Iced tea for one
>Lucia<: Every body is for sale
>Lucia<: Work away today, fly away tomorrow?
>Lucia<: Cold as ice