timquijano: Phone charge card
timquijano: Signs celebrating 30 years of peace between China and Vietnam welcomed me when I arrived in Nanning
timquijano: Boilin' Innards
timquijano: Alligator Staring into my soul
timquijano: Fried Alligator Vendor
timquijano: 从新疆来的哈密瓜 Canteloupe from Xinjiang Autonomous Region
timquijano: 米蕉 Baby Bananas
timquijano: Mao's Hometown Restaurant
timquijano: Mr. Samuel Rong, in the flesh
timquijano: Mr. Samuel Rong, in the flesh
timquijano: Military practice on the Guangxi University campus
timquijano: Tossing the waterbottles into the truck
timquijano: Mao and Deng and Jiang giving the peope of nanning some words of advice
timquijano: DSC_0807
timquijano: DSC_0806
timquijano: DSC_0805
timquijano: Wok Kookin'
timquijano: Minority style bridge over a pond
timquijano: The interior structure of a building constructed in the style of a minorty people of the area (Dongzu?)
timquijano: Phone charge card