timpapajahatJGJ: "Excuse me, let me pass please"
timpapajahatJGJ: Hello, Natalia
timpapajahatJGJ: Badai is coming to town
timpapajahatJGJ: Good Afternoon, Jogja~~
timpapajahatJGJ: you came with a wide smile, our grins were even bigger
timpapajahatJGJ: A shy smile
timpapajahatJGJ: We are about to On Air
timpapajahatJGJ: taping the interview
timpapajahatJGJ: three big smiles
timpapajahatJGJ: Radio Announcer must be veery happy~~
timpapajahatJGJ: Oh, hi there!
timpapajahatJGJ: kibasan rambutmu, mbak..
timpapajahatJGJ: Any questions?
timpapajahatJGJ: "mari terus dukung kami ya!"
timpapajahatJGJ: where were you waving at, Shania?
timpapajahatJGJ: GHOST MODE
timpapajahatJGJ: Say "cheese"
timpapajahatJGJ: tridente of... happiness
timpapajahatJGJ: take a photograph with radio crew
timpapajahatJGJ: we're going back!
timpapajahatJGJ: Bye Bye! i'm taking your Tugu Jogja back to fx!
timpapajahatJGJ: i'll make it three times, minimal!
timpapajahatJGJ: badai is leaving the town..
timpapajahatJGJ: hanya sebuah punggung