Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Neutra's Kaufman House in Palm Springs
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Palm Springs
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Our (former) Loft
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Fire Island Pines
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Really Good Shoes
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Anything Knoll
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Andy Warhol
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Fallingwater
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Fallingwater
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - The Gurken
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Mies' Farnsworth House
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Mies' Farnsworth House
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Calatrava's Milwaukee Art Museum
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Eames House and Studio
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Le Corbusier's Chapel at Ronchamp
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - Herzog and DeMeuron Switching Tower in Basel
Timothy Hartley Smith: Favorite Things - The Saint
Timothy Hartley Smith: A Chorus Line (Oct 24 06)
Timothy Hartley Smith: Palm Springs