timothy.actwell: the kongakut river valley
timothy.actwell: passing the cheshire grin
timothy.actwell: bloody muddy midnight river
timothy.actwell: the first breakdown
timothy.actwell: those wild men are their amazing flying contraptions
timothy.actwell: jago headwaters
timothy.actwell: leaving the aichilik
timothy.actwell: looking back the way we came
timothy.actwell: let your colors hang out
timothy.actwell: Jago River
timothy.actwell: good to see you, July
timothy.actwell: where the mountains melt into the swamp
timothy.actwell: preparing to jump the second brook
timothy.actwell: glacier water
timothy.actwell: 'the flatest spot in Alaska'
timothy.actwell: 'where beauty abounds'
timothy.actwell: the okpilak river valley
timothy.actwell: sunset-rise over the hulahula
timothy.actwell: how far are you willing to go?
timothy.actwell: 'just another day in paradise'
timothy.actwell: beach camping
timothy.actwell: these moments hold the world still
timothy.actwell: last glance before glass
timothy.actwell: comrade
timothy.actwell: the glory of life
timothy.actwell: life pours forth from the mountainside
timothy.actwell: all water flows down hill; offering no resistance, it gives only itself
timothy.actwell: the gorge at glass pass
timothy.actwell: canning river dry-out cleanup
timothy.actwell: every adversity is a chance to grow