timoni: Seriously, I love these guys
timoni: Laura and Kim and the bear of hate
timoni: The smoldering look
timoni: Pre-drink
timoni: I like the "hand not quite on chin" pose.
timoni: everybody hates you, apparently
timoni: Michelle and Todd show off their dancing skillz
timoni: David's dragon
timoni: Todd's a trooper.
timoni: CIMG2713
timoni: I don't know what Steve's saying, but he's saying it.
timoni: Kim, Laura and my chin
timoni: Series: Laura and Todd
timoni: Michelle hates you.
timoni: I ain't sayin nothin
timoni: the spread and assorted gadgets
timoni: You're looking dashing, Steve.
timoni: These attractive ladies would like to tell you something:
timoni: After the anti-valentine's day party